Stage 8. Peru

  Peru is not only the Machu Picchu and the Incas, during the 8 weeks we have spent in this country we have known and learned many things.   The route began in the region of Puno, we cross the border with Bolvia around Lake Titicaca. At that time we were sick, with a kind … Read more

Information about Machu Picchu

How to get:

The cheapest option is to drive your own vehicle to the hydroelectric power station (the closest point to which you can get driving). That means about 180 km of curves from Cusco, by paved road till Santa Maria, then 25 km of dirt road of a single lane to Santa Teresa, and finally, 10 km of bad road, where many travelers have damaged their car. Then walk 10km (2-3 hours) to MachuPicchu town (also known as Aguas Calientes) and finally climb 1.5km up stairs to MachuPicchu.

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Peru archeological sites

There are hundreds of archaeological sites in Peru, many civilizations have chosen this country to live. In the last weeks we have visited some of them and here we are going to show them to you.

  • The Sacred City of Caral

It is considered the oldest city in the entire American continent, dating from the year 3,000 BC, approximately from the same time that the pyramids of Egypt were built. It is formed by 6 pyramidal constructions (pyramids), 2 sunken squares (amphitheaters) and several other spaces, occupying an area of ​​66 hectares. Unfortunately, despite its historical importance, we do not know much more about this place or this culture.

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Salar de Uyuni – the world’s largest salt flat

We entered in Bolivia crossing the Andes, exactly through the Ollagüe Pass, located in the middle of nowhere and apparent not that crowded … there, no one was really interest in us. The customs officer who reviewed our passports didn’t look at us at all, but he only gave us 30 days of stay in the country, something that we found very strange because in all others countries we are always authorize to stay 3 months. The other officer in charge of the papers of the car (TIP) gave us the 3 months, and he checked Cactus only from the back doors … and that’s how we got into the desired Bolivia!

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Stage 6. North of Argentina and Chile

We decided to drive to the north of the continent through Argentina instead of Chile. We pass through the provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy. And then we went back to Chile to visit San Pedro de Atacama, place famous for owning the driest desert in the world.






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Did you know that the Incas made human sacrifices?

This ceremony, called “Capac cocha” in Quechua, consisted of the fact that once a year, at harvest time, each village sent the most beautiful and intelligent children on pilgrimage to Cusco, the capital of the Incas. Once there they were “blessed “and had to return to their homes, and the ones who managed to get till there, were sacrificed in a great ritual.

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Stage 5. Chile


Our route through Chile can be divided into three stages.


In the first stage we visited Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales and the spectacular park of the Torres del Paine.


In the second we dared to drive almost all of the famous Ruta 7 or Carretera Austral.


And in the third we crossed the X  region, which was full of lakes, rivers and volcanoes until arriving at  Santiago, the capital of this country.



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